Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Malia, lia, boh, lia... MALIA!

I have that song stuck in my head and I don't even know the title or the real words (me, my, mo mana... according to cousin Lynn). Kael and I have been singing it all day, making up words as we go. Eventually he's going to realize that I can't sing so I'm going to enjoy making up songs while I can.

I thought I'd update you all on Malia since Kael gets the dubious honor of being the star of our blog. An honor he keeps at least until Malia gets older and starts talking real words, not Malia-jibberish. Did I tell you I can't wait for that to happen? When they can BOTH talk? And if they continue on the same track that they are on now, they will both talk at the same time, very loudly as they try to talk over each other. Yes, I can't wait.

So... Malia. Her 18 month well-baby appointment is November 6 so it will be interesting to see how much she's gained. The last appointment I was positive she hefted up some -- but turned out she was only 16 lbs (16 months). I'm trying to convince Truong to come with me so he can witness his little "angel" at the doctor's office. It's no longer possible to get an accurate length check and I don't think they will get a head measurement. She's still wearing 6-12 months clothes and while the waist is still loose, the length is getting short. Luckily short pants on girls are called capris so I don't have to worry about the Erkel effect.

A couple times a week we go visit Mon at the donut shop after we drop Kael off at school. Mon and I spend about 30-45 minutes chatting while Malia roams about the shop, double fisting donuts, making an absolute mess of herself and the shop.

Here she is picking out her donuts. Mon lets her go around back and grab what she wants. I quickly put a stop to that when she would take one bite, give it to Mon then pick out another.

"What...? Is there something on my face?"

On the swimming front, she's doing really good. She jumps in herself and does everything Sara asks her to do. Sara really has to be on her toes as Malia will fearlessly dive in without any prompting.

Malia diving in for her laps.

She hasn't figured out how to kick her legs yet so Sara has to help propel her towards the tower.

Our little Mermaid.

Costco has their Christmas toys out (already) so it's a lot harder now getting through the store. Between Kael needing to get a book to read and Malia wanting the food samples, it's a trip and a half. We have to avoid one aisle in particular...

Malia absolutely LOVES this Jeep. She will not get out and we have to pry her out kicking and screaming. I've since learned to motor around this aisle but sometimes they move the Jeep around so I have to really keep my eyes peeled.

Tomorrow is Halloween so I'll post our pumpkin pictures along with the kids in their Halloween finery. Malia's tutu is still a recognizable tutu so I'm debating on whether or not to dress her up for Kael's school parade. I feel like that tutu has only 9 lives and I've used most of them trying to get her used to wearing it in the weeks prior. It would be just my dumb luck to have the thing shed all its layers just hours before we go trick or treating.

Great. Did I just jinx myself or what?!

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