Sunday, July 15, 2007

Second Runner Up Summer Pool

The weather once again turned hot so we hauled out the trusty old pool for the kids to splash around in. I was too lazy to go look for a replacement water mat but it looks like I didn't have to worry about it after all. I think my kids would have fun in a puddle, as long as it's wet.

Our bathing beauty.

Sorry for the blurry image but she was walking too fast for even my camera to get a clear shot.

And yes, that's a plastic cup. She likes to walk around with a cup in her hands. You will see several drinking vessels strewn about my house on any given day.

Kael taking a dive into the pool .

I don't think this pool will fit them both next year. However, at Malia's current rate of growth, you never know...

Kael about to make another big splash and Malia has a giddy smile on her face.

Kael is beyond happy to be in the pool. Now why can't he be this ecstatic in the shower?!

The next few shots tell a funny story:

What a sweet smile on Malia!

Oops! She slips.

Gets a face full of water.

And doesn't look too happy. In fact, she's so pissed she vacates the pool.

Finally -- the pool all to myself!

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